
Taking A Lesson From Adaptive Golf

Playing golf as a two handed individual, or a “normy” as we are called in the adaptive community, has never held such a blessed perspective. That being said, many of these one-armed golfers could take your lunch money without batting an eye, if you were to go head to head out on the course. It has been an honor and a privilege to get to know many of these individuals that have overcome more trials and tribulations than I could wish to avoid in ten lifetimes. It is difficult to express the gratitude for the gifts given as a healthy, two armed and two legged specimen until having come face to face with what true daily challenges look like. 

Finding time to spend with the North American One Armed Golfer Association has been some of the best and most rewarding time I have ever invested into golf. I highly recommend that if you have the opportunity to spend time with these incredible people, and learn about adaptive golf, you take it at the earliest convenience. I guarantee that you will find value that is far beyond any monetary system known to man. 

When I was first approached by Xander Dobreff to join him for a golf outing in Tampa Bay, I jumped at the opportunity not knowing how much of an impact it would truly have. Playing with a one armed golfer is most likely something that most of you have yet to experience. I assure you when you have witnessed a 300 yard drive and legitimate birdies from an individual that is swinging with one arm, it will create a shift in perspective with what you think is possible. 

From a perspective from someone who has actually grown up practicing with one arm and/or one leg, I soon became aware that many of these players have risen to an extremely high level of technical advancement in their golf swing mechanics. One armed golfers are a group of select few that have developed a keen awareness to utilizing the laws of motion and feeling at a high level what is working with them, and what is not. 

If you are a two handed individual, take this opportunity, to gain some empathy, and go play a round of golf using only one arm. (Check out our left and right arm drills in our video library) Not only will it create a new paradigm for your golf swing, but it will help instill an attitude of gratitude for the little things in life that we are so blessed to possess.


  1. September 6, 2020

    Great Post Danny what a great group thanks for sharing this!

  2. gravitygolf
    October 6, 2020

    Your welcome Jim. Thanks for reading =)

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