A Gravity Golfer Is A Player That Utilizes Gravity In The Golf Swing

What Is A “Gravity” Golfer?

The term Gravity Golfer is a word modifier that I added thirty-five years ago as a descriptor of the modern golf swing when it is executed in a proper manner. Golf labs have measured the starting speed of the down-swing in players such as Bobby Jones, Freddie Couples, Jack Nicklaus and others, and have found that in a handful of golfers it begins at the exact speed of gravity.

The Difference Between Players That “Flex” And A Gravity Golfer

Players who flex their shoulders and arms as the down-swing begins, will often outrun the speed of their own core rotation, hit the ball with less mass, and require much greater effort to cover the desired distance than will a “pure” Gravity Golfer. When you watch Freddie Couples swing the club, it takes no more effort than it appears. Pure Gravity players move the ball with their pounds – not their strength. In fact, they don’t hit the ball at all – they “sling” it from the club.

There is absolutely no attempt whatsoever to make a “union” between the club and the ball at impact – contact with the ball is totally incidental to the path of the swing. To Freddie Couples, the ball feels as if it is on the club-face at the top of the backswing, then he simply counter-falls, drops his arms, and the turn slings the ball from the club.

Pure Gravity players typically enjoy greater longevity in the quality of their play because, when this swing is done in its correct form, it is far easier on the body. By using pounds against the ball instead of muscle, maintaining body strength is of lesser importance. Although the Gravity swing is the most compliant with the laws of physics and good physiological principles, and therefore ideal for all players, it provides special advantages for both seniors and women.

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