Why Best Athletes in Golf Need To Use The Gravity Technique
Most great athletes have difficulty with golf. Even though they are great in their own sport, they will usually tell you in no uncertain terms that golf is the most difficult sport (if they call it a “sport”) they’ve ever played. This interesting phenomenon is true more so with football players than baseball or hockey players, but even many of them can find the mastery of golf to be problematic. Basketball players can also have issues because it’s difficult to find equipment to fit them if they are over 6’5,” especially if their arms are on the short side compared to the length of their legs. A seven iron that is built to a length two inches longer than standard, is really a three iron with a lot of loft.
Retraining The Athletic Instinct To Use Muscle In The Golf Swing
The bigger problem revolves around the fact that most good athletes are physically strong, and their instinct to use that strength on the golf ball is almost overwhelming. What they fail to realize, is that they are using their strength not only on the ball, but on themselves as well. Leverage is a fascinating tool, but as with electricity, the energy will go both ways through the wire (the arms and club in a golf swing) simultaneously. When a player flexes the shoulders and arms in the downswing, part of the energy goes out of the body to the golf ball, but some of it, at the same time, goes back into the body, against the pivotal axis (the front leg).
Fore Every Action, There Is And Opposite And Equal Reaction
The third law of motion says that “for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.” The reaction to the muscular flex in the downswing shows itself in the form of a path (or plane) change. That statement is not a David Lee opinion, it is a physics law! In the entire time I’ve been playing golf (68 years), I have yet to see a golf ball sprout feet and walk into the new swing path! The path change, unless it is compensated for by alignment, grip, posture, ball position, club-face manipulation, etc., will cause the ball to go off-line.
In an ideal swing (from both a physics and physiological standpoint), the downswing starts by moving the body off-vertical, like tipping a barrel to roll it, the arms and club start down in a dead-fall, and the rotation of the core slings them through the impact area. By using gravity to start the downswing, the plane change that occurs when the shoulders and arms are flexed, is eliminated, and the path integrity is maintained.
How To Use Muscle As An Asset
Strength in the human body is a two-edged sword. Even though great athletes have difficulty with golf, if their strength is used properly, it’s an asset, not a liability. If it is used inadvertently against oneself in the process of creating power for the shot, it becomes a liability. Technique is everything in the game of golf. Possessing a powerful body can be a wonderful thing, but as with most gifts in life, it carries a responsibility for using it correctly. Great athletes should have a significant advantage playing our great game, but only if their strength is used in a manner that keeps it under control.
Learn to use your strength correctly by studying the principles of through the drills on our website and in our books and DVD’s.